How fame destroys Poets (and creativity)

(ne sera pas traduit en français)


If you are a Poet or an Artist, or both, and you want to take back your creative power, The Manifesto is for you. If you've been crowned with fame or denied it, The Manifesto is for you. If you want to know why you are famous, why you are not, why you're attached to fame, why you crave for it, or despise it, The Manifesto is for you. If you want to understand how fame and Creativity interact, for the better or worse, The Manifesto is for you. Poets and Artists create the civilizations that fill up our history books, and the cultures we live in. They do not deserve to die in abject fame and poverty or believing they do not matter. The Manifesto paves the way for a new culture of Creation: The Manifesto asks you to lead, and true leaders are incorruptible.The Manifesto is 50 pages of outrage, insights, and surprises. The Manifesto speaks.

Le Poetical Manifesto broché est disponible aux États-Unis

chez Barnes & Noble ou chez Amazon si vous vivez en dehors des USA.

Bonne lecture!

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