Reviving classical poetry and renaissance art.

Over the course of human history, many cultural revivals have sprouted, most of them resulting from obscure forces gaining abominable dominance.

Since its creation, Revue {R}évolution endeavors to promote excellence in poetry and art. But cultural excellence, however dear or desired, is the effect of substantial causes, some workable here and now and others not. Among the actionable steps toward excellence in culture is the refusal to succumb to fashion, herd mentality, an unconscious mechanism at work not only in fashion shows and the streets, but also in totalitarianism.

La pensée unique
, conformism, may be hurting Culture since the industrial revolution, when man and woman vowed to gain total control over matter, thereby neglecting the spirit. Conformism caused masters of the past to die in abject poverty and disciples of the present to destroy themselves. Conformism causes epigones to flourish and masters, now obsolete, to be cancelled.

That said, as individuals, poets and artists are not victims. They have the power to turn around their lives anytime, an act of tremendous will power and a desire to winnow out what's false, dull, devoid of creative power, flattering, easy; conformist. While artists and poets retain the right to recreate or destroy their intelligence at will, as any individuals, their decision will affect Culture for the better or worse. Revue {R}évolution is a champion for Culture.

We guard not only the memory, but also the integrity of Poetry and Art. So, as of Sept. 24, 2022, Revue {R} will publish poets who strive to revive classical poetry and artists seeking to express polymathy exclusively. A polymath is not a self-marketer. A polymath serves the multi-facetted aspects of knowledge. Polymaths are perspective changers, not thinkers who regurgitate concepts with a dead intellect, not doers lacking skills and vision, rather observers, profoundly involved in the quest for knowledge because Knowledge liberates from ignorance, the source of mediocrity, the root of all problems.

Knowledge solves problems and the problem of pop culture infiltrating the Fine Arts must be solved. Only polymaths can do it. A polymath is not a jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none. Fame won't make you a polymath, money either. Money cannot buy intelligence. Polymaths are disciples. They serve knowledge, solve problems, and don't create new ones which is why Revue {R} now chooses to publish poets and artists who strive to be polymaths and revive classical poetry and renaissance art.

But what is classical poetry? What is renaissance art? There is no classical poetry or contemporary poetry, only Poetry, sublime, incorruptible from times immemorial. But now, the phrase "classical poetry" is necessary because contemporary poetry has betrayed Poetry. There is no renaissance art or contemporary art, only Art, sublime, incorruptible from times immemorial. But now, the phrase "renaissance art" is necessary because contemporary art has betrayed Art.

Revue {R}évolution is a champion for Culture. We guard not only the memory, but also the integrity of Poetry and Art and will not fall prey to mediocrity and meaninglessness simply because they are trending. Over the course of human history, many cultural revivals have sprouted, most of them resulting from obscure forces gaining abominable dominance. The Dark Ages certainly triggered the European Renaissance. Today, obscurantism also peaks and Revue {R}évolution stands with what immortal masters call Dharma; order, harmony, truth, knowledge, and beauty.

Revue {R}évolution appelle de ses vœux le retour de la Beauté: universelle, grandiose, éternelle. 

The Editors


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   Poetry fettered, fetters the Human Race! Nations are destroyed, or flourish, in proportion as their Poetry, Painting and Music, are destroyed or flourish! The primeval state of Man, was Wisdom, Art, and Science. –William Blake 👁

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